JKS Blog

Eating Our Own Dog Food

“Eat your own dog food” is a business term that means a company should always use the products or services it provides, so the people inside the company can see the “customer experience” for themselves. At JKS, we do just that, and here’s the latest example. […]

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Giving A Worn Out Camper New Life As A Luxurious Cigar Lounge

When people ask me what we do here at JKS, it’s a challenge to keep my answer under an hour because we do so many different things. It’s rare that that a client comes to us and just says, “I need a banner” or “I need a show car.” The projects we take on involve […]

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My Four P’s Of Video Production

We work with clients across the country, and recently I realized that many of our clients, even some we’ve worked with for years, have never visited our facilities here in Welcome. Which is a shame, because we really have a very cool place and I love to show it off. Since we take a lot […]

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Playing, Posing & Pretending: Fun Ways To Make Your Display Successful

At times a corporate client will come to us and say they want to market their product in an experiential way, but they don’t have a clear idea of what’s involved with that. They may know they want to take their message to a certain place and a certain group, but not exactly sure how […]

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JKS Goes Hollywood

At JKS we get the opportunity to do a lot of cool things, and one of the coolest is helping make TV commercials and movies seen by millions of people. Here’s something you probably never really thought about – almost everything you see in commercials and movies is a prop, either rented for the production […]

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We’ve Taken Off Our Worn Out Marketing Clothes To Show The World Who We Really Are

At JKS Incorporated our business is helping corporate sponsors create and stage large, interactive displays and promotions, usually at sports venues like NASCAR races, PGA tournaments or football games, but also at street fairs or retail locations or virtually anywhere else. To accomplish this, we’ve got to come up with interesting creative concepts and interactive […]

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